Clarksburg UM Parish Raises Funds, Supplies for Celebration of Mission Event
Every year, United Methodist parishes and churches across West Virginia join together in supporting the missions of the West Virginia Conference during the Celebration of Mission Event (COME.) Creativity is encouraged as churches work together with their community to gather much-needed resources. This year, the Greater Clarksburg Cooperative Parish (GCCP,) held drives in support of the Heart and Hand House, Tyrand Community Ministries, and the West Virginia Annual Conference’s Volunteers in Mission.
Beginning this year’s event was Duff Street United Methodist Church’s Soup and Salad Luncheon. “Our United Women in Faith ladies decided to have the Luncheon.” Said Carolyn Green, member of Duff Street and head of their Food Pantry. “I was pleased with the number of people who came from churches in the parish.” Green shared that next year she hoped to see more community members joining the lunch from outside of the parish. The luncheon was incredibly well received, “Our ladies were awesome in preparing the food.” The congregation’s efforts brought in over $1,000 for the ministries of the WVUMC. Representatives from the
The United Methodist Church in West Virginia depends upon its mission projects to provide services that many small congregations cannot provide on their own. Across the Conference, churches come together throughout the year to support their local ministries. Locally, the Upshur Parish House, Heart and Hand House, and Scott’s Run Settlement House work to meet community needs. The work of the Conference Missions is not limited to North Central West Virginia. From Wheeling to Huntington, mission projects work to clothe, feed, and lift up our communities through programs and aid.

The GCCP set an end date for its supply drive of May 5th. Parish churches contributed hundreds of food supplies, school supplies, and toiletries toward the work of conference mission projects. Each year, different parishes are given different sets of missions to support. This reminds local churches that, even as they regularly support their local community ministries, the United Methodist connection goes beyond their own zip code. In all places and at all times, the West Virginia Annual Conference seeks to serve our local communities through the collaborative mission of the whole Church.
For more information about West Virginia Conference Missions, visit The Greater Clarksburg Cooperative Parish operates locally in Clarksburg and consists of thirteen member Churches across Harrison County. For more information on the Parish and its activities, visit
John Langenstein is a provisionally ordained elder and pastor of North View United Methodist Church and United Methodist Temple. He is also the Communications officer of the Greater Clarksburg Cooperative Parish and a member of the WVUMC Communications Team.